V-Xpress Courier Tracking

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V-Xpress Logistics Courier Tracking Shipway emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of India’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

V-Xpress Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Mumbai+91-22-27594444+91-22-61040700[email protected]Unit 07,2nd floor, Corporate Park, Chembur, Pin: 400071

Official Website: https://www.vxpress.in/

V Express Transport Tracking

V-Xpress is the most respectable and master strategic specialist co-op in India for different enterprises. Benefit from their cross-country organization, on-time conveyance responsibilities, zero burglary and deficiency, and constant following offices to grow your business.

V-Trans India’s express freight division is called V-Xpress. They are a consequence of the late Shri’s foundation of an organization that was recently known as Vijay Transports Ltd. in 1958, Kunverji K. Shah

They are ISO 9001:2015 guaranteed and stringently stick to laid out norms for consistency and frameworks and cycles at all branch levels. They have agile organization practices and current advances and establishment to lead.

Mission, Vision, and Infrastructure of V-Xpress Tracking


To be the main supplier of Express Coordinated factors arrangements in the Indian Subcontinent. V-Xpress Courier Tracking achieves this through self-conviction and responsibility, broadest reach, association advancement, IT-empowered framework, standard working techniques, and brand improvement; to help the Indian economy’s abundance by lessening coordinated factors costs by making opportune and secure conveyances; consequently bringing down the expense of stock.


They accomplish this through self-conviction and responsibility, broadest reach, association advancement, IT-empowered foundation, standard working systems, and brand improvement to rank among the main three Indian Subcontinent Express Strategies arrangements suppliers.

To support the Indian economy’s abundance by decreasing coordinated operations costs by making opportune and secure conveyances; consequently bringing down the expense of stock.


  • Control Room watches out for their vehicles and transfers 24 hours every day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
  • V Xpress is a capable V-Xpress MyPackage fleet working in the safe transportation of high-worth and delicate cargo.
  • Possess stage-level bayous in weatherproof, guaranteed distribution centers in all areas.
  • Given group that works across areas 24 hours per day, 7 days every week to guarantee that administrations run as expected.
  • Risk the executive’s procedures for travel risk the board.

Services of V-Xpress Logistics

Xpress Air Services

The Express Planned operations Area has come to be aware of and trust their business. What’s more, they have an organization that traverses India and old pros who strive to meet their clients’ prerequisites. Furthermore, they offer some extra benefits that go with them the best decision for their clients.

  • Express Planned operations from one Way to another or Air terminal to Entryway.
  • Freight development from one air terminal to another and entryway to the air terminal.
  • Multimode administration consolidates air and surface modes impeccably.
  • Installment choices incorporate charged, paid, and to pay.
  • Conveyances and pickups are late.

Xpress Multimodal Logistics

All that a client can request is expedited service fueled by multimodal mastery. V-Xpress gives unrivaled affirmation, security, and accommodation for express, time-bound administrations.

They give their clients adaptable administrations and complete on-the-way development data as well as conveying shipments with greatness through their broad organization, accomplices, and cross-country reach.

For an extensive variety of cargoes, their learned staff puts together surface and air freight administrations by picking the best courses in view of every client’s prerequisites.

They fabricate multimodal, protected, straightforward, and carefully empowered production network arrangements that work considering their clients’ requirements and care about the climate.

To keep the client at the focal point of the inventory network, their operations experts know about the quality and consistency principles as well as the requirements of the client. From get to conveyance, they ensure the security and nature of your products and shipments.

V-Xpress Surface Logistics By V Express Parcel

They are a safe and reliable express planned operations organization in India that spotlights on giving total strategies and freight dispersion administrations.

They offer versatile and customizable advantage-added organizations to satisfy the necessities of clients. Express Plans have a range of more than 1 lac regions and totally containerized task forces.

Creative innovation and their group’s devotion support the nature of their administration; this grants them to guarantee thought, affiliation, and sufficiency in all of the organizations offered and contribute so shipments for the most part show up at their level-headed inside the agreed deadlines and under the agreed circumstances.

Industry Expertise

V-Xpress is an expert on industry-explicit strategy arrangements. V-Xpress Courier Tracking helps their clients in accomplishing more limited times required to circle back, quick item updates and alterations, strategy adjustments, and buyer requests.

  • Speedy and accurate transport of your shipment.
  • Multi-modular administrations and a public presence
  • Diminished travel times with the help of framework and innovation.
  • Further developed present deal administrations on guarantee client and accomplice fulfillment
  • Administrations that are in accordance with your needs for assembling

Frequently Asked Questions By V-Xpress Courier Tracking

What is V Express Following and how can it function?

V Express Following is a help that permits you to screen the advancement and area of your shipments. To utilize it, just enter your remarkable following number on the V Express Following site or application, and you’ll get continuous updates on the situation with your bundle.

How might I follow my bundle utilizing V Express Following?

To follow your bundle utilizing V Express Following, go to the V Express Following site or portable application. Enter your following number in the assigned field, and you’ll be given the ongoing status, area, and assessed conveyance date of your shipment.

Is V Express Following accessible for worldwide shipments?

Indeed, V Express Following is accessible for both homegrown and worldwide shipments. You can utilize it to follow bundles sent anyplace on the planet.

Are there any extra expenses related to utilizing V Express Following?

V Express Following is commonly offered as free support by the delivery organization, and there are no extra charges for utilizing it. In any case, you ought to check with your delivery supplier to affirm in the event that any charges apply.

How would it be advisable for me to respond assuming I experience issues with V Express Following?

On the off chance that you experience any issues with V-Xpress Courier Tracking, for example, off-base data or an absence of updates, they suggest reaching the transportation organization’s client care for help. They can assist with settling any following issues and give you the fundamental data to really follow your bundle.