ST Courier Service Tracking

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ST Courier Service Tracking Shipway emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of India’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

ST Courier Near Me

 ST Courier Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Chennai04461266666[email protected]ST Courier Pvt Ltd is located at 199 Hariyan Street C. Pallavaram, Chennai, 600 043 in Tamil Nadu, India.

Official Website:


The send-off of ST Dispatch from the place of ST Freight administrations is solely intended to meet the business and individual shipment needs of their clients in both metropolitan and country objections. They are rising as a top objective for ‘same-day’ transportation and are constantly serving their clients every minute of every day. They continually grow their assets to take special care of their client assumption tending to their interesting business sector needs.

An organization that began in India having its central command in Tamil Nadu has around 2000+ branches and 200+ parcel Center points spread across India an Organization begun by an Individual has now given Positions to 13000+ individuals straightforwardly or by implication and every one of these got going with the All-powerful of God.

Opportune help and unwavering quality are the basic qualities over which ST Courier Service Tracking blossoms. Established in the year 2007, ST Dispatch has advanced into one of the main, trusted, and solid messenger and freight accomplices for scores of public and worldwide clients.

Client-centered strategic approaches, protected and opportune conveyances, broad organization, devoted air and ground abilities, serious labor force, state-of-the-art innovation-supported tasks, extensive variety of significant worth-added administrations, and complete consumer loyalty are a portion of the perspectives that make them one of the India’s driving and believed dispatch administration organizations.

STCPL’s maxim is to ‘Serve to all at all spots and consistently ‘and they demonstrated it in any event, during the pandemic Coronavirus and saved the existence of a few thousand people groups remaining in the nation.

Vision and Mission of ST Courier Service


They are a trustworthy help accomplice who endeavors to address the issues of their clients on a drawn-out premise by giving individualized arrangements that assist them with accomplishing their own proficient goals. Prior to offering an answer, they do whatever it may take to grasp the client’s necessities since they have faith in common development.

Convinced to offer reliable transport game plans, they have built an accepted movement part adhering to serious deadlines.


They endeavor to address the issues of ST Courier Service Tracking clients and become the business chief in strategies. Through their devoted conveyance hardware, they interface with the whole country, zeroing in on both metropolitan and provincial business sectors.

They have laid down a good foundation for themselves as a forerunner in the operations administration area because of their faith in harmless ecosystem arrangements, cordial strategic policies, and viable execution.



Homegrown delivery, frequently known as a homegrown messenger, alludes to sending a thing through a transporter inside the limits of a country. Homegrown dispatch organizations give choices to homegrown delivery in light of the items, volume, and direness of the beneficiary’s bundles.

They offer a scope of transportation decisions relying upon the size of the thing, the conveyance cutoff time, and the shipment’s items. Utilizing homegrown messenger administrations, one can really send items like Home machines, books, toys, food, writing material, office supplies, office hardware, drugs, significant records, bundles, and other stuff.


ST Courier Service Tracking offers broad support in the activity of dispatching and accomplishing your transportation. They are experts in global dispatch administrations, house-to-house administrations, express bundle and bundles administrations with simple delivery and following for your products. Time unmistakable and speedy conveyance administrations to in excess of 220 Nations.

Need Administration

They are pioneers in offering bundle and archive benefits quickly enough to arrive at your client’s the following work day. This bundle is uniquely intended for time-touch packages and reports. STC Needs administrations to accompany unconditional promises on the off chance that they neglect to keep up their responsibilities. ST Courier Service Area conveys packages up to 30kgs with at least 1kg onwards. STC needs administration to be completely safe. They use carefully designed pockets for additional security of your bundles.

ST Logistics group of prepared and prepared experts deals with your shipment at each stage. The company’s committed group guarantees convenient conveys helped by their product. Their GPRS global positioning framework can detect your bundle during travel. 

Their continuous global positioning framework offers proactive conveyance data to their clients through SMS. They take care of a broad scope of pin codes, (lead pin code search prior to benefiting their administrations). 

Banned Items in ST Couriers India

  • Cash, Gold, Silver, and Jewels.
  • Cocktails/Fluid Things (All organizations) Erotic entertainment Materials.
  • Drugs/Opiate Substances.
  • Collectibles (Without Legitimate Supporting Archive).
  • Live Creatures.
  • Explosives, Military Types of gear, Guns.
  • Tobacco and Tobacco Items.
  • Human Bodies/Human Organs.
  • Explosives.
  • Gases.
  • Combustible fluids.
  • Combustible Solids.
  • Oxidizers and Natural Peroxides.
  • Poisonous and Irresistible Substances.
  • Radioactive material.
  • Corrosives.
  • Incidental by regulation.

Frequently Asked Questions By ST Courier Service Tracking

How might I follow my messenger?

To follow your messenger, visit their authority site and enter the one of a kind following number given to you. You’ll get continuous updates on your shipment’s status.

What data do I have to follow my bundle?

You’ll require the following number doled out to your bundle. This number is typically given when you book your shipment.

Are there any extra charges for following my messenger?

No, ST Courier Service Tracking assistance is totally for nothing. You can screen your shipment’s advancement with no additional charges.

Could I at any point follow various bundles with one record?

Yes, you can follow various bundles utilizing a solitary record. Just enter the following numbers for every one of the bundles you wish to screen.

Imagine a scenario in which my following data isn’t refreshing.

In uncommon cases, the following data may not refresh right away. Give it some time, as postponements can happen. Assuming that the issue continues to happen, go ahead and contact their client service for help.