Southwest Cargo Tracking

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In the interconnected world of logistics, Southwest Cargo Tracking stands as a beacon of efficiency and reliability in package tracking services across the USA.

Southwest Cargo Dallas Address

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Dallas TXDomestic 1 (800) 533-1222
International 1 (214) 792-4881
[email protected]2195 Research Row, Dallas, TX 75235

Official Website:

Southwest Cargo Shipping

As they celebrate more than 50 years of Freight greatness, thinking back, a ton has changed. Southwest Freight has advanced to address the issues of its Clients, and it has been their pleasure to provide steady, agreeable, and solid assistance. 

Since their unassuming starting points quite a long time ago, their Perseveringly Reliable® Representatives have worked vigorously to create an item they are genuinely pleased with. Many thanks to you for picking Southwest Aircraft and tagging along!


  • They’re committed to furnishing Tenaciously reliable Client support conveyed with a feeling of warmth, benevolence, individual pride, and Company Soul.


1973 denoted the casual start of Southwest Cargo Tracking, with shipments of little bundles through traveler demand over the ticket counter. Then, in May 1990, Spice Kelleher endorsed the business cases of the little but powerful Freight The Executives Gathering to work as an autonomous office by Southwest Carriers. 

Since then, they’ve been dedicated to providing unrivaled airport-to-airport service that is friendly, effective, and unrelentingly reliable for specialized air cargo products.

Core Values of Southwest Shipping Transport

Transparency: Southwest Cargo Tracking places a high value on transparency. The organization has confidence in keeping clients very educated about their shipments’ advancement, possible postponements, and special cases experienced during travel. Open correspondence encourages trust and assists clients in making informed choices.

Teamwork: Southwest Cargo’s success relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration. The organization’s representatives cooperate flawlessly to guarantee that freight following cycles are effective and precise. This spirit of participation upgrades the general client experience.

Adaptability: The freight business is dynamic, with changing circumstances and prerequisites. Southwest Freight follows qualities of flexibility, permitting the organization to acclimate to new difficulties, guidelines, and client needs while keeping up with the nature of its following administrations.

Excellence Assurance: Southwest Freight Following takes a stab at greatness in all parts of its tasks. This responsibility drives the organization to reliably further develop its global positioning frameworks, client care, and, generally speaking, execution.

Ecological Obligation: Perceiving its job in the flight business, Southwest Freight Following underscores its ecological obligation. The organization expects to limit its biological impact by embracing manageable practices at every possible opportunity.

Regard for Individuals: Southwest Cargo Tracking treats its partners, customers, and employees with respect. The organization values variety, approaches everybody with deference, and encourages a comprehensive climate that advances positive connections.

Frequently Asked Questions By Southwest Cargo Tracking

How might I follow my Southwest Freight shipment?

To follow your shipment, visit the Southwest Aircraft Freight site and enter your shipment’s number in the assigned device. It will give continuous updates on your freight’s area and status.

What information is required to follow my shipment?

You will require a unique cargo-specific tracking number. This number is generally given when you book your shipment or get an affirmation from Southwest Freight.

Might I at any point follow different shipments without a moment’s delay?

Indeed, you can follow different shipments by entering their individual numbers, separated by commas or spaces, into the following apparatus on the Southwest Freight site.

How would it be a good idea for me to respond on the off chance that the following data isn’t refreshing?

It is best to wait a while if you notice a lack of updates or delays in the tracking, as there may be temporary technical or logistical issues. You can get assistance from Southwest Cargo’s customer service if the issue does not go away.

Can tracking updates be sent to me via SMS or email?

Indeed, you can choose to get the following updates through email or SMS when you book your freight shipment. Along these lines, you’ll get warnings about the situation with your freight straightforwardly through your preferred correspondence channel.

Is constant area following accessible for all shipments?

Southwest Cargo Tracking endeavors to give exact and state-of-the-art following data, ongoing area following may not be accessible for all shipments because of specialized limitations or explicit flight activities.