Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking

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Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking South Africa emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of South Africa’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

Rhenus Express Tracking Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Johannesburg+27 (11) 409 9700[email protected]Head Office Johannesburg Unit 3, 3 Drakensberg Drive Longmeadow Business Estate West Edenvale 1609 South Africa

Official Website: https://www.rhenus.group/za/

Rhenus Logistics South Africa

Rhenus Logistics (previously World Net Strategies) gives dynamic and extensive global cargo-sending administrations, operations, warehousing and dispersion arrangements that address the requests of the South African production network climate. They are ISO 9001:2015 guaranteed and a Level 1 B-BBEE donor. Find the advantages of cooperating with Rhenus and let them help you on your way to progress.

Rhenus Express Values

Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking organization is considerably more than the amount of all their insight and abilities. It is their way of life, their activities and their beginnings that hold the Rhenus assembled and give them their character.

Client-centred Arrangements

  • Figuring out prerequisites.
  • Giving arrangements.
  • Forming what’s in store.

Representative Direction

  • Being aware.
  • Esteeming ability.
  • Advancing turn of events.

Enterprising Soul

  • Creating thoughts.
  • Assuming liability.
  • Guaranteeing a positive outcome.


  • Living qualities.
  • Keeping guarantees.
  • Giving security.


  • Representing the long haul.
  • Associating ages.
  • Staying free.

Services of Rhenus Logistics

Whether cargo sending, customs clearing, warehousing and conveyance administrations, Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking is your all-inclusive resource for your coordinated operations prerequisites.


Whether bringing in, sending out or fabricating for nearby conveyance, their cargo sending, customs clearing, warehousing and circulation capacities offer an all-in-one resource with a solitary resource supervising the cycle. This has prompted the improvement of industry explicit arrangements.

Super advanced AND Hardware

Quick-moving, high-esteem, pilferable, touchy dealing with and short-item lifecycles are only a portion of the cycles that are overseen by their group of specialists.

Likewise, their worth added administrations (VAS) including pressing, kitting, naming and programming updates are a determination of the administrations grew explicitly for this industry.

Weak Products

They foster tailor-made administrations that are client and industry-explicit for this incredibly high-esteem, profoundly touchy freight.

Prudent handling, secure vault storage spaces, all day, everyday reconnaissance including furnished accompanies along with particular vehicles, for example, air sanctioning administrations are a portion of the arrangements set up for your weak freight.


Rhenus’s worldwide impression of 750 areas enables them to facilitate shipments from beginning to objective, including warehousing and on-time circulation that are basic to convey for the auto business.

Cross-docking, milk-runs and reinforced offices are a portion of the capacities they have created in this profoundly modern area.

Medical Services and Drugs

A serious level of consistency throughout the inventory network is vital to support the medical care and drug industry.

This incorporates item and temperature uprightness, bunch and expiry controls, rigid cleanliness factors, bundling inclusions as well as all-day, everyday security. They collaborate with their clients to foster the most important assistance for this perplexing industry.

Rhenus Logistics WAREHOUSE

Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking offers a scope of stockroom operations arrangements. From multi-client to in-house and committed distribution centre ideas, they ensure your merchandise shows up when and where they are required. 

Esteem-added administrations and advanced arrangements like their distribution centre administration and reconciliation frameworks to complete their portfolio.

Coordinated Operations in a MULTI-CLIENT Area

Rhenus common administration climate provides you with the benefit of flexing stockpiling limits and assets up or down rapidly, contingent upon the interest. 

Your singular distribution centre strategies are joined and coordinated into their multi-client areas, permitting you to share the expenses and offset the significant expense of occasional requests.

LET RHENUS Improve YOUR Distribution Centre Tasks

Whether you are setting up a fresh out of the plastic new stockroom or need to reevaluate a current office, their group of warehousing specialists works intimately with you to address the singular requirements of your organization, up to and including the exchange of liability for interaction controls, IT, hardware, faculty, and innovation. 

Frequently Asked Questions By Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking

How might I follow my Rhenus Express shipment?

To follow your Rhenus Express shipment, visit their authority site or utilize their committed following gateway. Enter the following number given when you made your shipment to get ongoing announcements.

What data do I have to follow my bundle with Rhenus Express?

You’ll require the extraordinary following number or waybill number assigned to your shipment. This number is normally given when you book your shipment.

Is Rhenus Express following accessible globally?

Indeed, Rhenus Express gives the following administrations to shipments both locally and globally. You can follow your bundle no matter what its objective.

How frequently is the following data refreshed for Rhenus Express Logistics Tracking?

Rhenus Express commonly refreshes the following data progressively: You can hope to see refreshments as your bundle travels through different phases of the transportation interaction.

How would it be advisable for me to respond on the off chance that I experience difficulty following my Rhenus Express shipment?

On the off chance that you experience issues following your shipment, it’s ideal to contact Rhenus Express for client assistance. They can help you in settling any related issues or give extra data about your bundle’s status.