Priority 1 Tracking

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Little Rock, AR888.569.8035[email protected]401 W CAPITOL AVE LITTLE ROCK, AR 72201

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Check out our latest article on Airterra Tracking, where we dive deep into their tracking process and provide expert tips.

Priority 1 Logistics

Priority1 is a secretly held, non-resource based planned operations financier supplier that acquaints exclusive innovation with little and medium transporters, supporting them in dealing with their transportation spend all the more effectively. 

Priority 1 Tracking influence their volume of over 1.5M yearly shipments to make remarkable associations with resource based transporters in the North American cargo market. 

Their industry-driving innovation and gathering buying power give their clients the essential apparatuses to control their cargo and transportation costs while further developing permeability in their dissemination organization.

Their central goal is to be the trailblazer and pioneer in laying out clients, representatives, and merchants by surpassing their assumptions through their kin, innovation skill, and worth. They measure their prosperity by how well they can work on your operation’s needs. Your item, their need.


History of Priority1


In 1993, their organizers Ken Hamilton and Jim Newman laid out the business driving assembling organization Need Wire and Link. 

Today, the organization has developed to include 16 circulation habitats and 2.4 million feet of distribution center space across North America.

1995 – PRIORITY1 Established

Utilizing the assets of their resource based parent organization, Need Wire and Link, Priority1 opened its entryways in 1995 as a full-administration planned operations organization. 

They utilize their gathering buying power and industry-driving TMS to furnish their clients with important devices to control their cargo and transportation costs constantly.


In 2008, Priority1 Tracking went to advertise with a Free Specialist model, offering its Representatives cutthroat rates, administrative center help, and industry-driving innovation. 

They have effectively grown many organizations through this model, empowering these proprietors to satisfy the Pursuit of happiness of becoming fruitful business people.


In light of organization development and a requirement for unparalleled client support, Priorty1 sent off an imaginative TMS in 2020. 

We made this restrictive programming with strategic experts at the very front, adding improvements and more proficient work processes to deal with the everyday operations of your cargo.


As a secretly held association, Priority1 has the chance to put once more into the organization with an essential vision for improvement in all layers of the association. 


Toward the start of 2022, Priority1 gladly opened the entryways of its 40th office, proceeding with the work to make their organization an easily recognized name in the coordinated factors world. 

Core Values of Priority 1 Tracking


  • Ready to settle on hard decisions when they are correct yet at times not the most straightforward.


  • Embracing the distinctions in culture, ways of life, and characters. Understanding and flourishing upon the way that every one of them has different ranges of abilities that are shaped together to make them an exceptional organization.


  • The nature of telling the truth and having solid moral standards.


  • We acknowledge and comprehend we are flawed and that there are open doors for every one of them to get to the next level. How we did it before isn’t generally the most ideal way to do it pushing ahead. Understanding that to be really incredible you need to search internally consistently.


  • Conveying far in excess of their conjecture.


  • Pushing your groups to accomplish more than they naturally suspected they at any point could. Characterize a make way of where we need to go while giving the devices and enthusiasm to arrive.


  • They comprehend they are framing associations with their workers, clients, and sellers. Trust is the establishment of these associations.


  • Offsetting their human resources with monetary execution in a combined work to deliver the best result.

Services of Priority 1 Logistics

LTL Cargo

Priority1 is the 3PL forerunner in LTL Cargo. Their assorted Transporter Portfolio offers Public, Local, and Miniature Territorial accomplices who are all assistance chiefs in their topographical impression. 

Their imaginative TMS accompanies a module unequivocally worked for LTL transporters that take into consideration productive, savvy citing, booking, following, following, and inspecting of all of your LTL and Volume LTL cargo. No matter what your heap’s objective, have confidence they have the mastery and administration to get it there.


  • The Undertaking Office will haggle top-tier estimating with the transporters that fit your particular requirements.


  • Priority 1 Tracking white-glove administrations incorporate curbside transporting, garbage expulsion, and two-man conveyances to choose rooms.


  • Their restrictive TMS interfaces their accomplices through the Programming interface, so they can consistently pull Volume choices with the most ideal cost.


  • At the point when economic situations change, they can introduce the latest, reliable contribution from their organization of accomplices.


  • As a component of their broad transporters organization, they can offer their clients different choices for their hazardous materials shipments.


  • Priority1 can offer numerous choices from pool dispersion to single obtaining to meet the prerequisites of a specific undertaking.

Priority 1 Trucking

Priority 1 rises above past superficial administrations. With them as your 3PL accomplice, you will approach state of the art innovation, offering individualized arrangements supported by a group of strategies experts to smooth out your inventory network needs.

Their most huge resource is their associations with their clients. At the point when limit fixes, Priority1’s set of experiences of week after week installments to their transporters puts them at the bleeding edge while booking shipments.

From pickup to conveyance, each shipment gets outstanding help. No matter what the work, their group is prepared to help you with all of your Load needs.


  • Their devoted Dry Van Group works nonstop to guarantee your cargo is gotten and followed through on time, without fail.


  • Regardless of the economic situation, their committed group of drayage specialists will track down limits with respect to your freight.


  • Their superior step deck administrations permit you to securely move long, tall, and wide shipments anyplace in the U.S. also, Canada.

HIGH Worth of Priority 1 Tracking

  • Is it true or not that you are transporting something of high worth? Pull with their master TL Group, realizing that the truck getting is a similar truck conveying.


  • With their tremendous experience across various modes, you can depend on them to run the most productive and savvy cold store network.

Incomplete Load

  • Does your shipment fall among LTL and FT? They give practical Halfway Load choices to smooth out your shipments.


  • Priority1 offers devoted and experienced client care experts who can deal with all of your more critical, project-based cargo needs.


  • Their broad transporter network permits them to give different choices to hazardous materials shipments altered to their exceptional necessities.


Priority1’s Sped Up Group has broad cargo sending mastery, state of the art innovation, and basic connections inside the operations business. They use all of this to guarantee your time-delicate shipments get the treatment they merit. 

Spot market evaluating, financially savvy gear, and ongoing correspondence with day in and day-out/365 help are only the start. 

On the off chance that you have pressing, time-delicate, or fundamental cargo, your time is inestimable, so let them make it their first concern.

Runner VAN

  • Priority 1 Tracking TMS offers a consistent encounter to guarantee quick conveyance of time-basic burdens, including runner vans for conveyance to in any case blocked off places.


  • Whether it’s machines, furniture, or curiously large boxes, their Sped Office produces great outcomes at a reasonable expense.

Fast Conveyance

  • With almost 100% on-time conveyance rates, continuous following, and live statements with live drivers in 48 states, you will encounter grant-winning sped-up administrations.

HOME Conveyance

  • Priority1 Tracking can assess your requirements and make a fitted program to fit them. They can give home conveyances whether it is private or business.

Airship cargo

  • Do you really want time-touchy cargo moved quickly? Short-term air rates are an extraordinary choice in the event that you really want a shipment to get the nation over in one day.


  • Is it true or not that you are transporting something of high worth? Pull with their Sped up Group, realizing that the truck getting is a similar truck conveying.


Allow them to remove the pressure from dealing with your cargo and simplify delivering again with Priority1 Cargo The executives. their Cargo The executives’ administrations permit you to zero in on developing your business while they direct your cargo beginning to end, customized to your business. 

Priority 1 Tracking will fill in as an expansion of your organization to diminish delivery costs, improve functional systems, and give you an upper hand. 

Their store network streamlining, everyday oversight, and vital guidance are customized to you. Since their prosperity is estimated by how well they improve on the needs of your coordinated operation.

FM Responsibility

  • Cabo FM’s main goal is to be the trailblazer and pioneer laying out deep-rooted associations with their clients, workers, and merchants by surpassing their assumptions through their kin, innovation, ability, and worth.

KPI METRIC Administration

Their KPI Metric Administration incorporates a variety of exceptional advantages, including admittance to normalized and client-explicit detailing, quarterly business audits, and organization of executives.


  • With Priority 1 Tracking Cargo Bill Pay and Grown-up Program, they can diminish the costs of doing business and excessive charges. Their dashboard customization gives you the absolute most individualized insight. ​


At the point when your cargo needs to turn complex, they simplify transporting. With a wide assortment of particular ventures and more than 600 representatives entrusted with giving unmatched client care, Priority1 can deal with all your operations needs. 

Whether you’re delivering crucial supplies the nation over or guaranteeing smoothed-out administrations in your retail locations, their strategies experts and top-level innovation streamline your store network the board while continuously guaranteeing your shipments are their main concern.

Automotive Shipping by Priority 1 Transport

The auto business is a billion-dollar substance, working like clockwork energized by fast development and time-touchy cutoff times.

In this way, when a motor falls flat or a section breaks, the last thing you really want is a barrier in your production network development. Overseeing shifts popular, volume floods, extraordinary ventures, and stock rearranging are only a couple of their fortes.

Their ability groups work nonstop to consistently give predominant transporter acquirement, top-level costs, and direct admittance to their exclusive TMS worked by coordinated factors experts.


Executing plant closures, putting together fiasco reactions, and conveying new advances in innovation all demand time-touchy techniques and quick execution.

As the nation tracks down imaginative ways of energizing their general surroundings, you can depend on Priority 1 Tracking to convey these new headways to their basic areas on time, each time securely. 

Whether conventional, sustainable, or in the middle between, energy providers require a solid planned operations supplier to convey their fundamental merchandise without forfeiting their own important investment.

Allow a 3PL you to can believe set the vibe in the energy store network so they can fulfill the need for your speedy and earth-cognizant purchaser.

FOOD and Refreshment By Priority 1 Track

The definitive progress of any organization in the food and drink industry can be reduced to its production network organizations. The demonstrated progress of food and drink producers lies in catching and holding their purchasers’ consideration.

They can direct this effectively by really testing and providing their items for pre-planned dispatches a long time before their timeframe of realistic usability, new and on time. 

Joining forces with an accomplished planned operations supplier can get you a decisive advantage over the opposition while outperforming the difficulties of the ongoing commercial center. 

By giving admittance to state of the art innovation, devoted administrative center help, and on-the-spot client care, Priority1 has changed the game for 3PLs all over.


What’s more overwhelming than running an assembling inventory network? The expense of a postponed or missed conveyance. Priority1 values being an all-inclusive resource for all your strategy needs. As the business has advanced, they have gotten some margin to keep up, guaranteeing they surpass their client’s assumptions with each move.

It’s crucial to control the transportation cycle of fabricated merchandise for homegrown or worldwide business sectors. For a fledgling, this can appear to be a scary undertaking, however, for operations experts, it’s clear. 

Priority 1 Tracking is focused on offering savvy arrangements that empower the ideal conveyance of unrefined components to make offices and the transportation of completed items to end clients.


Oil and gas organizations depend on 3PL accomplices to convey under testing conditions. Also, this industry varies from standard assembling. A solitary drill site might actually use north of 80 neighborhood transporters. 

There’s one more layer of difficulties connected to the degree of the item you can create. Lessening or expanding creation volume isn’t generally so basic as flipping a switch.

With this multitude of variables in play, you want a planned operations and production network accomplice who is adaptable, reliable, and equipped for addressing every one of your requirements while remembering these imperative subtleties. 

Priority 1 Tracking has well-established associations with a setup of transporters across all surface transportation modes, giving you the choice to address for all intents and purposes any issue.


Priority1 can assist you with changing your paper and bundling inventory network to fulfill always-changing business sector needs.

Priority 1 Tracking Company’s coordinated operations specialists assume a vital part in recognizing modular transformation methodologies, estimating on-time conveyance execution, and giving total permeability into shipments. 

From drop trailers to multi-purpose, they give particular delivery benefits that meet the different requirements of your paper and bundling items. Whether it’s rolls of paper, compartments, or shopper bundling, they can pull everything.


Loading your racks is testing enough, however measuring up to your purchasers’ assumptions is turning out to be significantly more troublesome.

Monstrous combinations are reclassifying the assumptions for transportation at an apparently easy and quick speed, coming down on your retail store network. As purchasers’ assumptions rise, conveyance times are contracting. Allow Priority1 to facilitate the strain. 

With their fair methodology, they give their clients the best transportation administrations in the absolute most savvy way. They comprehend that saving in your store network can’t include some major disadvantages to your clients.

As a client of Priority 1 Tracking, you will appreciate upper hands, elite innovation, and imaginative arrangements. In this way, when your merchandise takes off the racks or rack, feel sure that your re-stock is coming.


The broadcast communications industry faces gigantic strain to deliver progressive innovation with laconic turnover times. As time passes, there is a developing interest in remote interchanges, high data transfer capacity organizations, and sight and sound gadgets. 

With this request comes an extended need for solid coordinated operations suppliers to guarantee smoothed-out administrations all through the cargo business at a facilitated pace.

Priority1 invests wholeheartedly in offering their own game-changing innovation to help your shipments from beginning to end. Driven by the best quality and produced by operations experts, their imaginative TMS gives clients a brought-together and consistent involvement in great dispatch and following. 

No matter what the size or responsiveness, they comprehend there is no wiggle room while transporting broadcast communications hardware.

Priority 1 Logistics Reviews

I’ve been at the organization for a couple of months and it’s a great spot to find out about the planned operations Industry and deals. The occupation is most certainly a toil yet when you begin welcoming on clients than it improves.

FAQs of Priority 1 Logistics Courier Tracking

What does Priority 1 do?

Priority1, an inventive transportation organization that focuses on experience without compromising, works on transportation into a consistent and charming experience. Connect today to demand a statement for LTL, Load, Facilitated, or Cargo The executives from one of the quickest developing 3PLs in the business.

What is Priority One shipping?

Priority1 is a secretly held, non-resource-based coordinated operations business supplier that acquaints exclusive innovation with little and medium transporters, helping them in dealing with their transportation spend all the more productively.

What number of representatives does Priority 1 have?

Priority 1 Tracking has 760 workers.

Might I at any point Coordinate CABO® INTO MY ERP Framework?

Absolutely. They offer an open, Relaxing Programming interface that can be utilized for any cutting-edge ERP framework. Moreover, they offer “out of the crate” mixes for the majority of famous TMS and ERP frameworks. For more data, see their Programming interface Specialized DOCS.

Could I at any point ACCESS CABO® ON A MAC?

Obviously! Cabo® is an electronic TMS stage that is accessible on any gadget with a Web association.