PICT Courier Transport Pakistan Tracking

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PICT Transport Customer Care

Telephone(92-21) 32854815
Email Address[email protected]
LocationBerths No: 6 to 9, East Wharf, Keamari, Karachi Port Karachi – 75620 Pakistan 

Official Website: https://pict.com.pk/

Another Courier: SAPT Pakistan Transport Tracking

Pakistan International Container Terminal

Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) started its journey at Karachi Port in 2002. It was operated by Karachi Port Trust under a form, work, and move contract that lasted 21 years, from 2002 to 2023. PICT’s overall goal is to climb as Pakistan’s chief compartment terminal administrator, and it has taken critical steps towards this objective through a progression of effective drives and functional greatness. Regardless of confronting a cutthroat and testing scene, PICT has kept up with its noticeable situation in the business, earning acknowledgement through different honours. 

The Fire and Security Award from the Fire Insurance Association of Pakistan, the Manager of the Year Award from the Business League of Pakistan, and the Best HRM Practices Award are among these honours. Moreover, PICT has been respected with the Corporate Greatness Grant from the Administration Relationship of Pakistan, got the sixth situation among the Main 25 Organizations by the Pakistan Stock Trade, and accomplished second spot in the Workplace and Administrations area for Best Practices in OHSE, as recognized by the Business Collusion of Pakistan. 

PICT use the ICTSI Gathering’s famous kind of port tasks to set industry benchmarks in Pakistan. Their main goal envelops development on private, proficient, and worldwide fronts. They are of the firm belief that individual and collective development promotes dignity and stability among their employees while also promoting stability and ongoing advancement. Workers at PICT embody tirelessness, executing their obligations with devotion and a guarantee of greatness that outperforms simple commitment. The association values compassion, encouraging a steady climate to guarantee solid associations with partners and advance work environment concordance. 

PICT Container Services

Customs Clearance Services

It provides comprehensive customs clearance services, ensuring that cargo is processed quickly and efficiently. They handle all essential documentation, consistency with nearby and global guidelines, and coordination with customs specialists. This assistance helps in limiting postponements and keeping away from punishments, guaranteeing that freight moves proficiently through the port. 

Freight Forwarding Services

PICT makes it easier to move goods from one place to another by offering dependable freight forwarding services. They offer multimodal transportation choices, including ocean, air, and land, to take care of different coordinated factors’ needs. Their broad organization and associations with transporters guarantee serious rates and convenient conveyance of shipments. 

Cargo Consolidation and Deconsolidation

PICT has practical experience in freight combination and deconsolidation administrations, joining more modest shipments into a solitary holder for savvy transportation. Upon appearance, they productively deconsolidate holders, circulating the merchandise to their particular agents. This assistance is especially advantageous for organizations hoping to upgrade delivery costs and smooth out their inventory network. 

Dangerous Goods Handling

PICT handles hazardous materials with the highest safety standards and rigorous procedures in place. They ensure secure storage, handling, and transportation of all dangerous goods meticulously. PICT’s commitment reduces dangers to the environment, ensuring compliant and safe operations throughout.

Additional Services

To support its core operations, PICT provides a variety of ancillary services, such as cargo insurance, packaging, and labelling. They offer options for insurance coverage to safeguard against potential damages or losses during transportation. Their bundling and marking administrations guarantee that freight is appropriately ready and agreeable with transportation guidelines, upgrading the general security and proficiency of the coordinated factors process.