Mettur Logistics Transport Tracking

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Mettur Logistics Transport Tracking emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of India’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

Mettur Transport Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Chennai044 – 24792622, 9443312307Not Available#40, P.H. Road, Mettukulam Near Daniel Thomas School, OPP: Metro Train H.O Koyambedu, Chennai – 600107.

Official Website:

Mettur Parcel Service India

Mettur Transports a Strategies division of Mettur Super Administrations (mSs), 30+ years in the transport industry, Began with 2 types of transport from Chennai to Mettur and currently arrived at 40+ Transports and 250+ Trucks working to different objections across South India having served in excess of 10 million travelers and then some, their bundles and package administrations took care of travel of in excess of 400 tons and are working genuinely to surpass their previous accomplishments.

Starting around 1993, Mettur Super Administrations is a believed name among travelers who needed a protected excursion, open to seating and a great help. Their obligation to their travelers had acquired the trust and confidence of their adored clients, who began to partner with them as clients and have now turned into their more distant family.

Mettur Logistics has developed to become one of the main transport administrators with an extending armada of transports in the most current courses in and around the close by states and different spots in South India.

The Company Mettur directorate has extensive and hands-on experience in the transport industry which is nearly 60 years and they have been the trailblazers in the transport area.

Mettur Super Service Tracking has been serving their clients such that they get a choice to get down at the nearest vicinity of their picked stop despite the fact that they have in the middle between stops there, which makes them grin and their bliss is their objective.

Vision and Mission of Mettur Logistics


Mettur’s vision is to reform the strategies and transportation industry by saddling the force of innovation to guarantee consistent, straightforward, and proficient freight development. They seek to turn into the business chief in giving creative, information driven arrangements that enable organizations to enhance their store network tasks while adding to a maintainable and associated world.”


Change transportation through innovation driven arrangements. Upgrade worldwide availability and productivity. Focus on consumer loyalty, manageability, and moral direction.

Services of Mettur Logistics Transport Tracking

Mettur Transports Administration is viewed as the most dependable carrier and package administration in South India. They give their freight office practically a wide range of reasonable items from food, blossoms, mail, dispatches, hardware parts, family things, and so on. The best nature of vehicles are utilized for transportation.


  • Mettur Transport Logistics Tracking is Settled in Mettur Dam and approaches business valuable open doors in any remaining significant urban communities and metro municipalities.


  • Flourishing to be the forerunner in operations, Mettur Transports vows to figure out how to ship anything.

CONTRACT Transporter

  • Mettur Transports is one of the well-known Bundle Administration Organizations in Chennai.


  • They give house-to-house public Vehicle answers for the two people and corporates.


  • Mettur gives house-to-house conveyance answers for the two people and corporates.


  • Customer care and fulfillment is their essential objective. They make it their first concern to convey effectively.

24-hour Conveyance

  • Mettur Transports provides you with the chance to ensure 24-hour conveyance by a decent time.

Frequently Asked Questions By Mettur Logistics Transport Tracking

What is Mettur Transport Following?

Mettur Transport Following is an innovation based stage that offers constant observing and the board answers for the transportation and strategies industry, empowering organizations to follow and enhance their freight shipments.

How does Mettur Move the Following function?

Mettur Foundation uses GPS, information examination, and network to give live area refreshes, course advancement, and experiences in freight development. Clients can get to this data through an easy-to-use interface.

For what reason would it be a good idea for me to utilize Mettur Transport Following?

By utilizing their administrations, you can expand the proficiency of your store network, further develop conveyance precision, decrease functional expenses, and upgrade consumer loyalty. It offers straightforwardness and command over your freight’s process.

Is Mettur Transport Following viable with various kinds of vehicles and freight?

Yes, their foundation is flexible and can be utilized with different kinds of vehicles, from trucks to ships, and can follow an extensive variety of freight, making it reasonable for assorted transportation needs.

Is Mettur Logistics Transport Tracking secure and agreeable with information protection guidelines?

Yes, they focus on information security and consent to applicable guidelines to guarantee your data is safeguarded. They utilize encryption, access controls, and different measures to shield your information.