Kranthi Road Transport Tracking

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Kranthi Road Transport Tracking emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of India’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

Kranthi Transport Near me

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressLocation
Jawahar Nagar 0866-2542977, 2542116, 6573666[email protected]PLOT NUMBER 193, 194, 195, 196, 5TH ROAD, JAWAHAR AUTONAGAR, VIJAYAWADA – 520 007

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Kranti Road Transport Tracking

Kranti Road Transport was laid out in the year 1985. they are one of the main specialist co-ops in the province of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

The Company Kranti has an organization of 484 branches in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Yanam, and Chennai city with an armada of 315 trucks and a working power of 3000 representatives.

Sri Sanakkayala Satyanarayana, the late one, was brought into the world by Smt. 1936 was Nookarajamma’s year. He opened a removal (spare parts) shop in 1957 to enter the “Vehicle Industry” business area.

He had the option to develop his business and accomplish his objectives in a short measure of time thanks to his actual commitment and persistence. Sri Sanakkayala Satyanarayana is alluded to as “Removal SATYAM” by each of his representatives, clients, and business partners in the vehicle business.

Sri Sanakkayala Satyanarayana is a noticeable figure with high upright norms. He esteemed the representatives who had sworn to try sincerely and with genuine commitment. He was unfaltering in his obligation to workers and clients, which assisted him with accomplishing his goals and becoming an effective financial specialist.

Sri Sanakkayala Satyanarayana entered the “Transport Industry” (KRANTI Road TRANSPORT) almost thirty years after the fact. Notwithstanding the opposition from different carriers in the business, he directed KRANTI to its tip-top situation through basic choices and moral standards.

Mission, Vision, and Values of Kranti Transport


  • To keep up with the client’s pleasure and devotion by giving the top-notch administration.


  • To grow their organization to each side of India.
  • To be perceived as the most Solid, Trusted, and Favored transport on account of their responsibilities to clients and workers.


  • Lead moral strategic policies.
  • Center around client needs.
  • Recognize the person.
  • Be more useful and proficient.

Services of Kranti Road Transport


Kranti Transport might give capacity answers for your merchandise. This incorporates warehousing, stock administration, and dissemination administrations. Warehousing guarantees that your items are put away securely and proficiently, prepared for appropriation when required.

Supply Chain Management 

A viable inventory network on the board is critical for organizations to smooth out their tasks. Kranti Transport could offer production network benefits that assist with enhancing the progression of merchandise from the maker to the end client. This can include stock control, request estimating, and transportation coordination.

Transportation Services 

Kranti Transport probably offers different transportation arrangements, which might include:

Trucking Services: They might have an armada of trucks for the transportation of merchandise, both inside a neighborhood and across longer distances.

Freight Brokerage: They could go about as delegates to assist you with tracking down the most reasonable transporters for your shipments.

Specialized Transportation: In the event that you have exceptional transportation needs, Kranti Transport might offer specific types of assistance for delicate or larger than usual freight.

Logistics Consultation

They might offer counseling administrations to assist organizations with enhancing their coordinated operations and production network methodologies. This could include cost decrease, process improvement, and innovation reconciliation.

Customs Brokerage

For global shipments, Kranti Transport might give customs freedom administrations, guaranteeing that your imports and commodities agree with all significant traditions and guidelines.

Value-added Services

These could incorporate administrations like bundling, naming, and request satisfaction to meet explicit client necessities.

Frequently Asked Questions By Kranthi Road Transport Tracking

How might I follow my shipment with Kranti Transport?

Most coordinated operations organizations offer a web-based following assistance on their site. Visit Kranti Transport’s true site and search for the following apparatus, where you can enter your shipment subtleties to get constant updates.

What data do I have to follow my shipment with Kranti Transport?

Normally, you’ll require the following number or a reference number given by Kranti Transport when you send your products. This novel identifier permits you to follow your shipment.

How frequently is the following data refreshed?

The following data is normally refreshed continuously or at standard stretches as your shipment travels through the transportation and conveyance process. The recurrence of updates can change contingent upon the transporter.

What do I do in the event that the following data for my shipment isn’t refreshing or appears to be wrong?

In the event that you experience issues with the following, it’s fitting to contact Kranti Transport’s client care. They can help you in settling any errors or giving more data about your shipment’s status.

Is there a portable application for Kranthi Road Transport Tracking?

Some coordinated operations organizations offer portable applications for the following shipments. Check in the event that Kranti Transport has a devoted application accessible for following or on the other hand in the event that their site is dynamic to effectively get to following data on your cell phone.