JK Logistics Transport Tracking

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JK Transport Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Ahmedabad25364514 / 9375045061[email protected]No.10, Transport Nagar, Narol, Near Mehta Transport, Ahmedabad.

Official Website: http://jktransport.co.in/

J.K Transport India

JK Transport and Coordinated Operations Private Restricted Ltd recently known as J.K.Transport follows its basic establishments to J.K. Transport Organization which has worked since latest 30 years by Mr Kedarnath Mishra.

His subsequent kid, J.K. Mishra, the Administering Head of J.K Transport and Tasks Pvt. Ltd. since he was 20 years of age, used to work with his dad, learning the exchange the most difficult way possible. He invested a great deal of energy in the field, out and about, with drivers, under the frame, and at gatherings with significant clients, partners, and financiers.

His relationship with his father lasted for a seriously significant time frame from 1982 to 1987. He then stretched out to his own endeavor under different names, taking special care of different coordinated factors adventures like rail line appointments and conveyances through dispatch administration, and express vehicle administration among Mumbai and Chennai, in 1995, he chose to open a little office at Andheri that served as an office and godown.

He was searching for his own character and didn’t have any desire to lay on his dad’s shrubs. A part of the basic clients were garment exporters and upgrading them rapidly as indicated by their serious conveyance plans transformed into the indication of the assistance standard all along itself.

JK, similar to televisions Gathering, has taken in the worth of brief and secure help through consistent client tension, and this fulfillment gives them the certainty to guarantee that the merchandise of their appreciated clients is conveyed from Mumbai to Chennai in the span of 48 hours at entirely sensible costs.

Vision and Mission of JK Transport

  • To be a worldwide perceived innovator in coordinated factors, giving consistent transportation arrangements and setting the benchmark for greatness in the business.
  • Endeavoring to be at the front of development, embracing manageable practices, and adding to a greener future while keeping up with the best expectations of administration.
  • To reliably surpass client assumptions by conveying solid, effective, and altered operations arrangements customized to meet the exceptional requirements of every client.
  • Seek after functional greatness through continuous interests in innovation, representative turn of events, and cycle enhancement to guarantee the most significant levels of productivity and dependability in their operations administrations.

Services of JK Transport Tracking

They started humbly with a little office in the core of Mumbai, India’s monetary capital. At present, they have their establishment set-ups at Andheri, Vashi, Bhiwandi, Vapi, Ankleshwar, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, and Pondicherry – from where they are changing Western and South India.

They are looking gradually for their all-India presence. Kindly help them in their undertaking to turn into a respectable All India Strategies player. Send them a note with your criticism and ideas, and they will happily answer.

  • They are a key part of coordinated operations in the Mumbai-Chennai-Bangalore market.
  • Inside the apportioned time, they furnish clients with the products they require.
  • Administrations for get and conveyance
  • Email notice to the client when the merchandise is reserved, conveyed, and at the objective branch.
  • The transfer can be followed on the web.
  • Capability in taking care of costly things.

FAQs By JK Logistics Transport Tracking

How might I follow my shipment?

You can follow your shipment by utilizing the given number on their site or through the nearest following entrance. Continuous updates on the area and status of your shipment are accessible through these stages.

What administrations do you propose for global transportation?

Their organization gives a complete scope of worldwide delivery administrations, including express transportation, cargo sending, customs leeway, and planned operations arrangements custom-made to meet the one-of-a-kind necessities of worldwide shipments.

How would I demand a statement for delivery administrations?

You can demand a delivery quote by finishing up the internet-based statement demand structure on their site. Give the fundamental subtleties like the beginning, objective, aspects, and weight of your shipment, and their group will expeditiously give you a redid quote.

What measures do you take to guarantee the security of my merchandise during travel?

They focus on the security of your products during travel. Their coordinated operations processes incorporate secure bundling, constant following, and adherence to global well-being principles. Furthermore, they offer protection choices to give added assurance to your significant shipments.

Are there limitations on the kinds of things you can deliver?

They can oblige many things, but there are certain limitations in view of global guidelines and security principles. Kindly allude to their delivery rules or contact their client support for explicit data on limited things and disallowed products for transportation.