Ghatge Patil Transport Tracking

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Ghatge Patil Transport Tracking emerges as a dynamic and dependable player in the heart of India’s bustling logistics landscape. It revolutionizes the transportation industry with cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to seamless cargo management.

Ghatge Patil Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Kolhapur,Maharashtra0231-2537915[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ghatge Patil Transports Pvt Ltd, 517 E, Old Pune Bangalore Road, Kolhapur – 416 001, Maharastra

Official Website:

Ghatge Patil Transport India

Ghatge group is an eminent business house for different modern areas offering transport and messenger administrations with Ghatge Patil Transports Pvt. Ltd. Additionally, Tej Dispatches offers luxury passenger services through Mohan Voyages and operates a showroom with Trinity Engines, the top Mercedes-Benz dealer in Pune.

Prior to packing the sought-after Mercedes-Benz showroom, the gathering has MAI HYUNDAI and Goodbye Engines with Chetan Engines under its care in the core of Kolhapur City. Their greatest resource, their armada of trucks is controlled by Bharat Benz under Ghatge Shipping. Another business vertical, Ghatge Strategies handles warehousing and center functional exercises for the gathering.

Tushar Endeavors’ retail branch serves as Amway’s major distribution channel, the largest privately held FMCG company in the USA.

GPT being the leader organization of the gathering, the gathering utilizes more than 3000 staff in the entirety of its verticals. At Ghatge bunch, they have faith in solid worth frameworks and morals giving unrivaled assistance by surpassing client assumptions.

The excursion of Ghatge and Patil started when Mr. Vasantrao Ghatge who was then a Herbal science teacher at Rajaram School and Mr. J. B Patil was a cargo transporter with 2 recycled trucks moving products between Bombay and Kolhapur. 

One fine day, when the two companions were meandering the roads of Kolhapur, Mr. Ghatge inquired as to whether he could get a truck from Mr. J. B Patil for conveying his sibling’s merchandise. Mr. Patil consented to promptly help. After the finish of the gig in 1944, the inactive trucks jabbed a thought of framing Ghatge Patil Transports Pvt. Ltd.; also, since that second, the two won’t ever think back.

Services of Ghatge Patil Transport

Part Truck Load

Part Truck Load is the ideal option for smaller shipments, not large enough for a full truck, while budget-friendly.

Cargo transported within the country follows a Center and Spoke model to ensure secure delivery to various domestic destinations. The halfway truck loaders can benefit their following administrations which is appropriate for both private venture and corporate organizations.

Parcel Transport Service

Ghatge Patil Transport offers personalized package transportation and doorstep deliveries, tailoring the service to meet individual needs and ensuring utmost satisfaction.

Full Truck Load

They give their clients the help of conveying homogeneous freight to a solitary objective. The cargo once stacked isn’t dealt with in transit and is moved by the functional specialists in a protected design at occasional stretches. At least 8 tons of cargo is stacked for a full truckload.

FAQs By Ghatge Patil Transport Tracking

What is Ghatge Patil Transport?

Ghatge Patil is a service that allows customers to monitor the real-time location and status of their shipments during transit.

How can I track my shipment with Ghatge Patil Logistics?

For shipment tracking, visit their website or mobile app, and input your unique tracking number or details from their team.

Is Ghatge Tracking available for international shipments?

Yes, Ghatge Tracking is available for both domestic and international shipments. They provide tracking services for shipments traveling across various regions and countries.

What kind of information can I expect from Ghatge Patil Transport?

Ghatge Patil Transport Tracking provides real-time location updates, estimated arrival times, and notifications about any significant milestones or delays affecting your shipment.

Is there a fee for using Ghatge Patil services?

No, Ghatge Transport is typically a complimentary service provided to their customers, offering convenience and transparency as part of their logistics solutions.