Ekart Logistics Courier Tracking

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Ekart Logistics Courier Tracking India Login Status Shipway is the future transportation choice that addresses your issues as a whole. To see all of your Messenger shipments, enter the Tracking number.

Ekart Contact Number

CITYTelephoneEmail AddressLocation
Bangalore+91 80 6798 22221800 208 9898[email protected]
[email protected]
Devarabeesanahalli Village, Varthur Hobli, Bengaluru East Taluk, Bengaluru District, Karnataka, India, 560103, 8th floor, Block ‘B’

Official Website: https://ekartlogistics.com/

Ekart Order Courier Tracking

India’s driving techniques and store network arm. As the inner store network division of Flipkart, they started activities in 2009. Their consistent significance in customer experience, with trustworthy movement and supervising variance at scale, has made them lean toward associate for various associations.

With on-time conveyances and bother free administrations, you can utilize their total satisfaction administrations to keep your clients fulfilled.

First Request Put on Flipkart. Flipkart leads cash down to sway Indian client.

Merchandise exchange of 30 days. The assurance administration was sent off in a day. Business focus model embraced. Flipkart presented the main BBD. Send off of the equivalent day conveyance administration. Flipkart acquired Jeeves-F1.

Limit with Mumbai Dabbawallas for LM transport. Places assets into Qikpod for capacity transports. Flipkart encourages a ML model to sort out complex Indian address. The Walmart-Flipkart bargain is finished.

  • Empower consistent worldwide trade.
  • Trailblazer reasonable coordinated operations arrangements.
  • Lift client encounters through inventive, innovation driven administrations.
  • Guarantee ideal, secure, and practical conveyances.
  • Cultivate a culture of nonstop improvement and representative strengthening.
  • Embrace natural obligation, limiting environmental effect in each activity.
  • Integrity: Maintain genuineness and straightforwardness in all collaborations, cultivating trust and believability.
  • Excellence: Make progress toward constant improvement, conveying excellent help and surpassing client assumptions.
  • Collaboration: Embrace cooperation, esteeming assorted points of view to make aggregate progress.
  • Innovation: Cultivate a culture of imagination and flexibility, driving progressions in strategies arrangements.
  • Sustainability: Focus on eco-accommodating works on, limiting natural effect and advancing dependable asset use.

Ekart Logistics Services

Express Bundle

Quick and secure conveyance administrations for dire shipments, guaranteeing ideal appearances.

Online business Operations

Fitted answers for meet the unique necessities of online organizations, upgrading production network productivity.

Last-Mile Conveyance Consistent conveyance to the last objective, improving consumer loyalty with doorstep administration.

Worldwide Delivery 

Solid and productive transportation administrations for consistent worldwide network and cross-line exchanges.


Protected and coordinated storage spaces to smooth out stock administration and appropriation processes.

Money down Administrations 

Adaptable installment choices for clients, giving accommodation and expanding exchange openness.

Track and Follow 

High level following innovation for ongoing checking, guaranteeing straightforwardness and responsibility all through the delivery cycle.

Invert Coordinated factors

Effective treatment of item returns, diminishing intricacies, and upgrading consumer loyalty.

Cargo Sending 

Vital administration of cargo shipments, upgrading courses, and limiting travel times for practical arrangements.

Temperature-Controlled Delivery 

Particular taking care of to guarantee the protected transportation of merchandise with explicit temperature necessities, keeping up with item respectability.

FAQs By Ekart Logistics Courier Tracking

Might I at any point follow my bundle progressively?

Yes, their high-level global positioning framework permits you to screen your bundle’s area and conveyance status.

Are there extra charges for expedited shipment administrations?

Yes, expedited service administrations might bring about extra charges for the quicker and needed transporting choice.

How would it be a good idea for me to respond on the off chance that my bundle is harmed upon conveyance?

If there should be an occurrence of harmful things, if it’s not too much trouble, contact their client support in no less than 48 hours for help and goals.

Do you offer global transportation administrations?

Yes, they furnish solid worldwide delivery administrations with altered answers for worldwide conveyances.

Are there bundling rules I want to adhere to?

Indeed, if it’s not too much trouble, guarantee your things are safely bundled to forestall harm during travel. Adhere to their bundling rules for best outcomes.

Could I at any point change the conveyance address in the wake of submitting a request?

Address changes are conceivable assuming mentioned before the shipment is handled. Contact their client support for help.

What occurs assuming I miss the conveyance of my bundle?

If you miss a conveyance, their messenger will leave a notice with directions for rescheduling or elective pickup areas.

Are there any limitations on things I can send?

Certain things might have limitations. Allude to their delivery rules or reach them to guarantee consistence with guidelines.

How might I start a return for an item?

To start a return, visit their site’s profits segment or contact their client care for bit by bit help.